Introduction courses

Nomination for CLI Transformative Partnership Award 2025


The award is conferred for partnerships and programs with remarkable achievements during the two years preceding the current one. The Award will be presented by CLI Executive Directors to the individual or representative of the recipient institution during a special ceremony as part of the Transformation Literacy Conference in April 2025.

This nomination process will take you approximately 40 to 60 minutes.

  • Nomination
  • Basic eligibility
  • Basic information
  • Terms and Conditions
  • Information about the partnership
  • Overview of the partnership
  • Nomination submitted
  • Full Application
  • Additional questions stage 2 - full application
  • Full Application Questions
  • Photo / graphic upload
  • Full Application submitted
Completion rules
  • You must complete the units "Basic eligibility, Basic information, Terms and Conditions, Information about the partnership, Overview of the partnership, Nomination submitted"